Writing from the Body 2022

**New** 12-week Writing from the Body programme-an embodied creative writing adventure
starts 12th of April 2022- online
Do you want to write from a more embodied place?
With Eva Weaver, creative embodiment coach & author of ‘The Puppet Boy of Warsaw’ & ‘The Eye of the Reindeer’
Learn potent, innovative tools to unlock your creativity, release resistance & find your unique, authentic voice.
We will meet online Tuesday evenings 6.30-8.30pm UK time to tap into the stories of our bodies and write about what we’ll find there.
WRITING FROM THE BODY is a powerful approach and methodology that can revolutionise your writing- and how you relate to yourself!
Watch the short video to find out more!
Can’t make it live every session? You can download video & audio recordings after the session and watch anytime.
Want to learn more? Read on or register for a FREE Intro to Writing from the Body HERE
(1st & 15th of February and 8th & 22nd of March 2022 )
or book your full ticket or deposit HERE

Writing from the Body is a potent experiential 12-week programme.
Guiding you deep into the body and into your own wild creativity, you will learn powerful methods for original writing and free your voice.
Writing can be an alchemical, revolutionary force for change, personally and collectively.
Whether you are a seasoned writer, interested in embodiment or someone who always wanted to start to write- if you have a desire to write and an interest in embodiment, Writing from the Body is for you!
Writing from the Body offers you exciting entryways to embodied writing, such as through deep inner listening, breathwork, exercises in nervous system regulation, movement, and many others tools.
You will excavate the stories held and hidden in your body, learn to listen to the voice and wisdom of your body and write authentically.
When we foster ways to connect with the body- compassionately and in consistent, doable steps- and listen to what it has to tell us, we can tap into the huge reservoir of resources, stories, ideas, wisdom strength & resilience that the body truly is.
Writing from the Body offers a treasure trove of tools to show you ways to still your mind, address procrastination and creative blocks, spark the beginning of a project and support you through to completion.
The exercises range from writing from movement, tuning into the senses, breathwork as a gateway to creative writing & wellbeing, writing from inner body journeys and listening deeply to the body’s voice, writing inspired by prompts to writing inspired by engaging with our eroticism and pleasure.
Writing from the Body also offers exciting ways to investigate and express aspects of identity- gender, sexuality, race &culture, to support recovery, healing and resilience and to find an empowered, expressed voice.
Writing that emerges from such an embodied place is often more vibrant, authentic, visceral and original- and so are we as we inhabit our bodies more and get comfortable in our skin!
Writing from the Body can also be a lot of fun and a supportive and bonding experience, as we take it with a group of fellow explorers.
I would love you to join us on this journey!
The 12-week programme is open to all genders and abilities.
No experience in creative writing or embodiment practices necessary, only curiosity and a willingness to experiment.
The course is limited to 12 participants.
To book for the 12-week Writing from the Body course click HERE (payment plans available)
Or Register for a one of four FREE Intros to writing from the Body session 1st & 15th of February and 8th & 22nd of March 2022) click HERE
‘Write your self. Your body must be heard.’ Helen Cixous

WHO IS IT FOR? Some reasons you might want to join Writing from the Body:
- You seek inspiration and have a desire to explore writing in innovative and adventurous ways
- You are interested in the connection between your body and how you express yourself creatively
- You want to unblock your creativity and address resistance and challenges such as writer’s block, procrastinating etc.
- You want to get out of your head and write from an embodied, visceral place
- You are already engaged in a project and want to work more deeply, applying this exciting methodology to your project.
- You have always dabbled with the idea of writing and know you have a story to tell, but never quite had the confidence to begin
- You feel isolated as a writer and would like to learn new approaches within a community of fellow explorers
- your writing feels stale and you would like to bring more authentic expression to your creativity and re-wild your writing
- You want to become more productive and resilient to inner and outer criticism
- You are a creative who wants to learn a new methodology to create material for creative projects such as performances, theatre pieces
- You would like to feel more empowered and alive, tapping into your passion and the wisdom of your body
- You would like to get to know yourself better through cultivating a connection to your body and to your writing
- You want to investigate and express aspects of your personal identity such as cultural and racial identity, sexual orientation or gender identity in empowering and creative ways
- You want to feel more grounded and connected to your body and make steps to heal disassociation
- You are looking for greater well-being through self-expression & embodiment
Join us on this exciting Writing from the Body Journey? Sign up HERE
or book your free introduction session HERE

Writing from the Body can be an excellent methodology for:
- writers of all kinds: academics, fiction- & non-fiction writers, poets, memoir writers who want to access personal material
- creative writing students and tutors
- people who use writing as a healing practice and to support their mental health
- blocked writers & those seeking new inspiration
- embodiment professionals & students of massage, Five Rhythms, yoga, martial arts, movement practices, dance
- counsellors, arts therapists, psychotherapists or those in training
- health and mental health professionals
- creative professionals of all kinds
- other creatives who want to generate material such as theatre professionals, screen writers, performers, performance art & theatre students

We meet weekly live for our zoom online session on Tuesdays 6.30-8.30pm UK time. (for time converter click HERE:
* Each of the 12 live session is self contained, introducing specific embodiment and creativity tools as entryways to embodied writing.
The exercises will be recorded, so if you miss a session you can catch up in your own time.You will be sent video & audio recordings after each session, which you can download and keep forever.
* You will receive handouts, the ‘Writing from the Body Handbook’ and videos in addition to the live sessions. These complement the programme, but are not a pre-requisite to watch or read before in order to fully participate in the live sessions.
This mean, if you have only time to show up for the live session you still get the full benefit!
* The 12-week programme includes a personal one hour coaching session with Eva.
You can take this anytime during the course and up to one month afterwards and use it however you like, such as to talk about a writing project, how to begin, any aspect of writing or to process anything that has come up for you in the course.
* You are welcome to bring a project you are working on at the moment to the programme. You can apply the tools and methodologies you are learning straight away and generate new material in the sessions.
Equally, you don’t have to have a project on the go, but just show up.
*The course is trauma informed – you will be encouraged to feel into what is doable for you and go at your own pace, exploring your personal edge and ‘learning zone’.
*all exercises can be adapted to different abilities and any stages of a writing project. I encourage you to play with the tools, practices and exercises and make them your own.
* You will be offered homework/play in between sessions. It’s completely up to you whether you would like to engage with it.
If you like, you can pair up or join a small ally/ accountability group that can check in in between sessions.
* You have access to a private Facebook group throughout the programme and a Writing from the Body Community group afterwards.
For more Questions and Answers scroll down to Q&A
Do you want to join us on this exciting adventure? Book or Pay your deposit HERE
or register for a FREE Intro session to Writing from the Body session HERE
About writing in Community…

Being in community is an important part of the Writing from the Body experience.
Supportive communities nourish and support us. Many writers suffer from a sense of isolation- and contrary to the myth of the lonely writer, in this programme we experience that powerful, deep and original writing can absolutely happen in community. Community creates camaraderie and accountability, which in turn supports us when we work on our own.
In this powerful cauldron we learn from one another and experience that we are not alone, but part of a rich fabric of fellow writers, all on their journey as embodied, creative beings.
I would love to welcome you to our WRITING FROM THE BODY COMMUNITY!
‘We store memories in our bodies. We store passion and heartache.
We store joy, moments of transcendent peace.
If we are to access these, if we are to move into them and through them,
we must enter our bodies to do so.‘ Julia Cameron ‘The Artist’s Way’

What you will discover :
- a treasure trove of potent embodiment tools to help you unblock & release resistance
- learn how you can work with and listen to your body to tap into its wisdom for authentic writing
- discover breathwork as a vital tool to access inspiration and clear obstacles
- learn about nervous system patterns, your individual responses and find effective ways to self-regulate and deal with anxieties that can arise on the writer’s path
- learn how to bring consciousness to the body and use tools to drop into the present moment– a powerful antidote to mental blocks and resistance
- how working with small, doable exercises and writing tasks helps you build a sustainable writing practice, whether you are a beginning or a seasoned writer
- how to create spaciousness by releasing stagnant energy and emotions through the body with effective tools such as breathwork
- how to cultivate permission, kindness, self-compassion, gentleness as well as commitment and discipline
- new inspiration that is rooted in sensory detail and breath and the stories our bodies is sharing with us- our writing becomes expanded, original, authentic & wild
- camaraderie and solidarity. In community, amongst a group of fellow writers, we counter isolation, fears of ridicule, criticism and feeling of ‘not being good enough’ .
- and much more….
Join us for the 12-week WRITING FROM THE BODY course, starting on 12th of April 2022!
Click HERE to book your place! Maximum 12 participants.
Or register for a FREE Intro session click HERE

COURSE OUTLINE for the 12 week Writing from the Body programme:
Week 1 MODULE 1
Laying the Ground: RESOURCING & ORIENTING for the journey
In this first module you will learn several simple yet powerful tools that we will re-visit throughout the programme, such as body-scan, orienting and grounding exercises and a movement and a potent writing practice ‘from the body to the page’.
By moving our bodies in different ways- gently or with large, expansive movements, shaking, stretching etc- we can move blocks and obstacles, shake out difficult emotions, shift stagnant energy and create space for inspiration and flow.
We will explore how to stay in the learning zone & explore powerful exercises you can apply to in your every day life and writing.
Week 2 MODULE 2
Understanding & befriending our Nervous System
Arriving in the NOW…
Writing from the Body aims to help us to arrive in the present and to become aware and educated about our nervous system.
You will learn about your habitual nervous system patterns when it comes to writing and learn tools to regulate our nervous system.
How do we meet the various challenges of the writing life, such as writer’s block, anxiety in regards to creating new material, completing or showing work to others?
You will learn about:
* how fight, flight, freeze and fawn/appease responses might show up when it comes to creativity and writing
* effective somatic tools to self regulate the nervous system, deal with hyper arousal, anxiety & distraction
* exercises such as Heart-Math breathing, down-regulating breath and a powerful technique that combines breath and affirmations.
Week 3 MODULE 3
Transforming Resistance … Breathwork for Inspiration & Wellbeing
In this module we explore Breath as our most important life force energy and ally and how we can harness it for inspiration and wellbeing.
If we consciously engage with breath, we can give breath to our writing and release blockages.
In becoming aware of breath and by consciously breathing, we can still our minds, release resistance and what no longer serves, and draw in life force energy to expand and invigorate ourselves and our writing.
This week I will introduce different breathwork techniques:
* open mouth breathing vs nose breathing
* conscious connected breathwork process
and I am offering a chakra breath journey. All exercises can be adapted.
Week 4 MODULE 4
Writing from the Senses- generating authentic, original writing through tuning into the senses
Consciously connecting with all of our senses is crucial for writers and anyone who wants be be fully alive. As we take in the world through our senses, it is also where the juicy, visceral details of our writing originates.
This week we explore:
- how we can generate alive, original writing from engaging with all our senses
- exercises to harness deeper awareness of our senses for our writing
- attending to smell, hearing/sound, touch, taste, extra-sensory perception/ intuition
- writing from prompts that relating to our sensations
- a powerful exercise by Betty Martin, author of ‘The Wheel of Consent’
Week 5 MODULE 5
Releasing Blocks and Stuck Energy through EFT/Tapping
There are excellent exercises from the world of body- psychotherapy that can support us to relief tension, stress and even trauma, such as EFT/ Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) and Bioenergetic Exercises.
Even though deep trauma work is best done in the context of therapy and with experienced trauma-informed practitioners, EFT techniques to release stress and tension can be learned easily and practiced by oneself.
Combined with free-writing after such exercises, they become potent healing tools.
Week 6 MODULE 6
Gut Feelings & Speaking from the Belly…
Deep Listening & Inner Body Journeys
When we show up with openness, curiosity and a willingness to learn, we can listen to parts of our bodies and engage in deep inner dialogue.
This deep listening to what our body wants to communicate with us can be a radical tool to unearth powerful personal material, beyond cliches.
This week I will introduce an inner guided journey into the body and inner dialogue as a way into embodied writing.
We will:
- write from what we discover on an inner body-journey, guided dialogue and deep body listening
- engage with different parts of the body: a journey into the gut, the back, the heart, the lungs;
Week 7 MODULE 7
Writing down the Bones- Writing from our Deep Essence
If we excavate the bones of our personal, ancestral and bodily histories, what will we find?This week we will look at our skeletal system, back and spine. The adult human skeleton has over two hundred bones- each with its own story to tell.
The skeleton is our scaffold, our support, protecting our organs, allowing us to move. Bones are what will remain long after we die. As ‘backbones, they connect with structure and essence in our life and our writing.
We will:
* explore the symbology of bones, back and spine and harness this for our writing
* ask about our WHY and what the essence of our writing is
* explore our support system: what stories can we find in our back and spine?
Week 8 MODULE 8
The Map of our Body- Body cartography- writing from marks & scars
Approaching the body with compassion, we pay attention to the physical scars on the body and write the memories of how the scars originated, such as though childhood falls, accidents, childbirth etc.
This can also be done with areas of the body that experience pain or have experienced pain in the past. Of course this can also bring up memories of emotional scars. But where ever the journey takes us, to write it down can bring release and lead us to self-compassion, acceptance and self love.
This week we will attend to and write from and inspired by:
- the map of our bodies
- scars, wounds, marks, tatoos- body inscriptions
Week 9 MODULE 9
Sometimes our writing becomes stale and predictable. And we, in turn, might feel stale and ache for adventure and to give space to the wild parts in us.
How we can nurture our wild, untamed parts and harness those for our writing?
This week we attend to Re-wilding: as we re-wild our writing, our writing supports the re-wilding of our lives and vice versa. By connecting or re-connecting with the aliveness of our bodies, we can enliven our writing, find more depth, break through stagnation and boredom and move beyond superficiality.
We can find pleasure through exploring our five senses and nourish our wild soul, our untamed nature, through immersing ourselves in nature. Writing from such a source often surprises us- it brings flow, authenticity, depth and expansion- as if when we dive deep into the body and into our wild nature, our writing can gain a different perspective: it too gets expanded and wild.
This week:
* we become aware of where our conditioning shows up: in our habits, our bodies and in our writing.
* we explore how we can move from outworn cliches to original writing, digging deep into our most personal metaphors.
* we tap into writing prompts about our Wild Soul and explore what ‘re-wilding’ means to each of us in our lives- such as deepen our connection with nature, engaging in ecstatic practices.
Week 10 MODULE 10
Writing from the Erotic Body/ Reclaiming the Pleasure Body
‘I feel like all my wounds have been painted golden in this process.’ participant ‘writing from the erotic body’
Creativity and sexuality are our birthright and hold incredible power, but often we have been shamed or censored in our expressions, leading us to hide, dampen or shut down those powerful sources. Yet they flow like an underground river of unlimited energy through our lives, a source we can tap into whenever we chose to.
Writing from the Body can support our sensual, erotic & sexual being and vice versa- connecting with eros can support our writing: through raising erotic energy in the body we create more embodied aliveness and a beautiful foundation for expressing our creativity.
This week we will explore:
- a meditative practice
- how writing from the body can support sexuality and the reclamation of pleasure
- how to wake up our erotic bodies through movement, breathwork and, if wished, conscious self-touch.
- what happens when we bring sensuality and pleasure to our writing and write from a juicy, sensually awake place
Week 11 Module 11
Body Metaphors: get your teeth into it and write from your belly
The body as a symbol system…
We will collect body metaphors and explore the personal metaphors and symbols significant
in our lives and our writing.
We also attend to the theme of skin:
* the skin is our container, boundary between ourselves and the world.
* feeling at home, in our skin (or not); the politics of skin, skin colour
* shedding skin- what does not serve us any longer
* What happens when the skin speaks?
Week 12 Module 12
Completion, Celebration, Visioning
We will revisit some of the tools and you will have time to review your notes, share in small groups and the large group.
We will explore:
- What were the treasures of the programme for you?
- What tools were most powerful for you and why?
- How can you apply these in your life and in your writing?
- you might want to set some intentions for the journey forward to implement the teaching.
Please note: there might be changes in the programme as and when needed or appropriate
Do you want to join us on this exciting journey?
Book your ticket HERE or make a deposit to reserve your place!

‘We do not write from our minds alone- this is the treasure I took from Eva’s fierce and powerful workshop. In an atmosphere of trust, she showed us how to unlock the body’s memory and wisdom – not only as a source of creativity but also as a source of healing. Thank you for this journey!’ Johanna Kompbacher, Vienna
‘Thank you so much for writing from the body and for guiding us with the intelligence of the body. What came up for me blew my mind: my body spoke.’ Sharmila
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‘I highly recommend this course- it was such a helpful space over the last months of lockdowns to have this creative process with the body. Especially in these times with so much uncertainty and nervous system dis-regulation, having a creative process with your own body in the here and now, is priceless and so needed.
It is such a miracle how through creative writing a part of you talks back to you, sharing insights and wisdom and you think “ha, where did that come from?”Eva´s work is trauma informed and queer- among many other things- and she has created a space where you can dive deep if you want to- without being pushed to do that.
Your authentic choices and processes are always treasured here. Yet, Eva always brings in amazing ways to help you go into dialogue with the body.With that it’s an ideal space for people who are new to this approach as well as people who create regularly and are familiar with bodywork.’Sara Ablinger, Coach & Bodyworker ‘Big Body Love’
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What’s included in the 12-week Writing from the Body Programme
- 12 two-hour live zoom sessions Tuesdays 6.30 to 8.30pm UK time with Eva Weaver
in an intimate group of fellow Writing from the Body companions (max 12 places) .
One integration week in the middle, so the course stretches over thirteen weeks.
Can’t attend some weeks? Don’t worry! You can watch a replay with the content and exercises and download it. - An intro video to each week’s session and accompanying resources
- The ‘WRITING FROM THE BODY workbook’ that accompanies the 12-week Writing from the Body programme- with lots of info on theory, background to each module, many writing prompts, home- play suggestions and an extensive resource list.
- One personal coaching session with Eva (60 min online).
You can take this anytime during the course and up to one month afterwards and use this however you like, such as to talk about a writing project, how to begin, any aspect of writing or to process any course content.
- An opportunity to meet in a small ally & accountability group (or a pair) in between sessions.
- Access to a private Facebook group to share in and connect with your fellow writers throughout the course and access to an ongoing WRITING FROM THE BODY COMMUNITY
- Two additional e-books to download and keep forever: ’The Essence of WILD WRITING’ & ’Ten ways how WRITING FROM THE BODY can support your writing’
Once you have taken the 12-week programme you have an opportunity to repeat the Writing from the Body programme in any of the next rounds(Fee for re-joining is £150- this includes a one to one coaching session and admin fee). This is a beautiful way to deepen the teachings.
- You can book a one to one 60 min session after the end of the course for a nominal fee of £40 to help you integrate and apply the teachings and methodology of Writing from the Body in your life and your writing. (coaching session fee is usually £100)
- Additionally, if you like to join our WILD WRITE COMMUNITY, you can come to one 4-week course for FREE (Tuesday 10-12 am or Thursdays 2-4pm UK time)
‘This workshop gave me so much; new ways to connect to my writing, deeper characterisation, and scenes magically unfolded. Yet, I received more than that, an understanding of how our stories are in our bodies, and though Eva’s gentle, warm and nurturing facilitation, I also had some incredible healing shifts for my personal life. Highly recommended.’ Kate Marillat, bestselling Author of ‘Transform your Beliefs, Transform your Life.’
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”And I said to my body, softly,
‘I want to be your friend’.
It took a long breath.
And replied,
‘I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.”
Nayyirah Waheed
Eva answers Questions about WRITING FROM THE BODY:
I am not very mobile and can’t move easily, such as dancing. Can I still join the course? How much movement will there be?
You are welcome here however your mobility looks like and however you are feeling about moving. All exercises can be adapted. Curiosity and creativity are at the core of the course
Movement is a tool we will revisit in the sessions, but any movements can be as small or large as you can, are able to and want to. It might look like tiny movements, or even paying attention to internal movements only. There certainly is no requirement for expansive movement or dance.
If you have any questions you are welcome to email me evieweaver@gmail.com or come to a free intro workshop- you can book your ticket HERE
How do I know this course is for me?
Does anything you read got you excited? Have you got a hunch this could be amazing for you and transform the way you have been writing? Are curious, if also a little anxious? Perfect! These are all wonderful indicators that Writing from the Body could benefit you! If you are unsure and want to learn more, why not come to one of the free intro sessions to Writing from the Body? You can book your place HERE
Will we do some actual writing in the live sessions?
Absolutely! Each session has some dedicated writing time. This is usually free-writing/ stream of consciousness writing connected with a particular tool we are exploring. If you have a writing project you are engaging with, you are welcome to work on this as well. You might also find that even though if you are free-writing, you might find inspiration or content for your project.
I am not always comfortable in my body and connecting with it. Often I feel disconnected and I experience body shame. Could this programme still work for me?
Yes! Many of us have a complex relationship to our bodies and sometimes a very challenging one. Whatever the challenge, you are welcome here. Instead seeing a challenge as something bad, in Writing from the Body, we invite curiosity and kindness.
Being trauma informed, I am aware that there are many reasons why we might feel disconnected from our bodies and I encourage you to always go at your own pace and with what is doable and manageable at any given moment.
Everything I offer in the course is a suggestion only. I will introduce the idea of the ‘learning zone’ in the first session- the place where we are moving slightly out of our usual comfort zone in order to learn new things, but never push ourselves so far that we move into a freeze or anxiety state.
This process in itself has often been a wonderful learning experience for participants.
Also, all exercises can be adapted and I invite you to play with the tools, practices and exercises and make them your own.
I want to write a memoir. How could writing from the body help me with this?
Absolutely! Our bodies hold our stories and memories- everything we have ever experienced, thought or felt, lives in our blood, our bones, muscles, cells, our very DNA. It is not uncommon that participants of Writing from the Body find stories of their person lives they had forgotten about.
In Writing from the Body we cultivate deep listening- and we start by listening with and to the body, to what is moving, to emotions and to the stories that our body holds and might be willing to share.
Like Bessel van der Kolk says ‘the body holds the score’. Everything we have ever experienced, we have experienced though and with our bodies. Hence, tapping into this rich ground, we can excavate and find powerful stories and personal writing material.
Sometimes our writing becomes too cerebral, abstract and devoid of substance. This is when tapping into the body can be an invaluable source of new, fresh, original material.
How is Writing from the Body different from other creative writing programmes or courses?
Writing from the Body approaches creativity in a holistic way, inviting curiosity and embodied learning. It does not only engage the mind, but also the body, sensations and emotions, in fact we come to writing always from a more embodied place.
Writing from the Body is a highly experiential programme, while also offering exciting theory. Often you get one or the other.
The focus is on learning and experiencing through the body, and then getting some new, original writing done in the sessions.
In many classes the focus is on sharing of the created work in order to receive feedback and critique. Though this can be helpful at certain stages of the writing journey, it can also create stress and anxiety. Participants of Writing from the Body have often remarked how writing without this pressure has been very freeing and allowed for great productivity.
Also, there is no preparatory work to be done for each session, so if you only have time for the live sessions that’s fine! You can never fall behind and still get the full benefit.
As it is about the body and embodiment, how can it possibly work online?
Before I started to offer the programme online, I was wondering the same. However, after having offered it for two years online now, I can say that the exercises I offer translate well online and it works excellently.
One of the advantages of online work is that you can be in your own space, make it as comfortable and conducive for you, while also being held in community.
We work in an intimate, small group of up to 12 participants, so each person gets sharing time.
When can I book the coaching session with you that is included?
You can book the session from the time you have signed up and paid, up to three months after the programme ends. Some people use it to prepare for the course, others during it to dive deeper into the material. Others find it helpful to have space afterwards to integrate the material.
Do I need to read preparatory material before each session?
No! Each live session is self contained and you do not need to read anything to prepare. I only will send out some follow up material – with suggestions for homework/play if you want to go deeper.
Do I need to work on a writing project to get the most out of the programme?
No, you don’t need to have a writing project. The course works equally well if you just want to see where the writing journey takes you. You might of course find that throughout the programme you get inspired to start a project such as a blog, memoir, novella, write a poem or other. But there is no pressure to have a specific project on the go.
Can I share some of my writing with the Writing from the Body Community?
You are welcome to share some of your in our private Writing from the Body Facebook community. The ethos here still is about purely witnessing (including cheering of course!) without critical feedback. We don’t share content of our writing in the online live sessions.
How much time do I need to set aside each week to benefit most from the programme?
The minimum is 2 hours per week, which would be if you only attended the live sessions. I send some additional videos and handouts and you also have the Writing from the Body workbook you can use to deepen the learning. You can always re-visit the material.
Will we actually write in the sessions? How much time is give to writing?
Yes, we will write in each of the online sessions. You will also receive writing prompts related to the material after each session, as well as in the Writing from the Body workbook.
We will write for different time lengths the sessions.
Will there be homework in between sessions?
I am giving some suggesting for work/play after each session, however it is completely up to you whether you would like to take time with it. It is not a pre-requisite for the next session.
I have had challenging experiences in the past with breathwork. What approach to breathwork do you take?
We will learn different approaches to breathwork such as down-regulating breath to soothe as well as conscious connected breath. You are completely in charge of your experience and can participate in whatever way you like. Every breath technique can be adapted and changed to different needs, such as slower, shallower breathing or nostril breathing rather than open mouth breathing.
Breathwork can also be done in any position, lying down, sitting or even standing. Will we share in small groups? What if I am uncomfortable sharing?
Yes, there is an opportunity to share both in the larger and in smaller groups and with one other. You can also share via the chat box.
The group is kept at a size of 12, so that more intimate sharing is possible even in the larger group. There is no obligation to share, though I would encourage you see which would be a way you could share some, such as in a breakout room share with only one person.
Will there be a follow up to the course?
There won’t be a follow up session as such, however you can book a one to one coaching session after the course with me for a nominal fee of £40.
You also have the opportunity to re-take the course the next time it is offered (September 2022) Also the Writing from the Body Community Facebook group is always available to stay in touch with fellow participants after the course.
Do people repeat this course? What would I gain from repeating the course?
Yes, folks have found great value in repeating the course and diving deeper into the material. Every Writing from the Body journey will be different. You can also bring a different writing project to the next programme.
How would I benefit from your course as a writer?
Writing from the Body supports you as a writer if you want to:
- unblock your creativity and address resistance, writer’s block, procrastinatingetc.
- write from a less heady/cerebral and more embodied and visceral place
- get started and tell the story you always wanted to tell but didn’t know how to
- harness the power of body memory to write your memoir
- enliven your writing and move beyond cliches
- feel more confident as a writer
- overcome isolation and write and learn with a community of fellow explorers
- create new, exciting material for a project with a new, innovative methodology
- investigate and express aspects of your personal identity such as cultural and racial identity, sexual orientation or gender identity in empowering and creative ways and harness it for your writing
- feel more empowered and alive as a writer, tapping into your passion and the wisdom of your body
- get to know yourself better through tapping into your subconscious and cultivating a connection to your body
- become more productive and resilient to inner and outer criticism
- bring more authentic expression to your creativity and re-wild your writing

Writing is for you, you are for you;
your body is yours, take it.’
Helen Cixous

I believe passionately in the healing power and birthright to creativity. I’ve been interested in the connection between our bodies and how we express ourselves creatively for a very long time.
My intention is always to support people to feel more empowered and alive and I bring my heart, passion and wisdom from my own healing journey and my experiences as a performance artist, writer, art therapist, bodyworker & creativity coach to my work and offerings.
Writing from the Body is informed by my own journey as a creative: as an author, writer and performance artist, as well as my experiences in the area of embodiment with trainings in breathwork, Urban Tantra, Somatic Sex Education and Sexological bodywork.
I love coaching writers and facilitating creative spaces, such as my WILD WRITE and WRITING FROM THE BODY programmes, building nourishing communities and supporting people in their unique creative expression.
I have developed and worked with the methodology of Writing from the Body over many years. My varied professional- and life experience has inspired many of the tools, having worked for ten years as an art psychotherapist in the area of adult mental health, as well as my work as a writing coach, breathwork facilitator, sex coach and bodyworker.
My interest and engagement in shamanism, tantra and transformational empowerment practices such as firewalking also informs my writing.
Writing is my passion and my main creative expression. I have written creatively all of my life and have published two historic novels :’The Puppet Boy of Warsaw’ (2013) which has been translated into 13 languages, and ‘The Eye of the Reindeer’ (2016) . I am currently working on an erotic novel ‘The Upholsterer’s Game’ and a poetry collection ‘Firewolf and Gazelle’.
The cost for the 12-week Writing from the Body programme, including all course material and one coaching session with Eva is £777
If you like to join this exciting programme, you can sign up and pay HERE
Or you can book your place with a deposit £111
(deposit are not refundable, but transferable to another course)
Payment options and once concessionary place are available, please enquire!
* This course is open to all genders and abilities.
* No experience in creative writing or any embodiment practices necessary, only curiosity and a willingness to experiment.
* All exercises can be adapted to any levels of ability.

More praise for Writing from the Body:
‘Eva’s Writing from the Body workshop, that could easily be called ‘writing from, through and beyond the body’- gradually takes you deep inside, quite effortlessly and much deeper then you realise, thanks to her gentle ways and playful strategies.
I have found it inspiring and nourishing and went away with lots of food for thought, snippets of good writing to develop as well as a palette of techniques to continue playing with.‘ Emmanuelle Waeckerle
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‘The workshop was a playful way to process deeply and find entry points into creative flow. Assisted Embodied Souldiving!’ KC
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‘A unique set of powerful tools to take me into a writing process, from deeply felt, often surprising places.’
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‘What these sessions offer me is spaciousness to drop into myself, to drop into the treasures within, into my own being and I look back on all the words with fondness.‘
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I feel there’s a change in myself in that I can appreciate the writing as a moment in time that didn’t need to be a masterpiece, but it’s a snippet of a moment. And that’s very beautiful- I can see the layers, how I start with something that sounds almost practical and by the end of the session, the poetry of my being is there.
Thank you Eva for creating such an amazing space that makes that possible.’
Bayari Lou Beegan
BOOK HERE for this exciting opportunity to write from and with the body! STARTS 12th of April 2022!
Or, if you are not sure or have more questions, register one of the FREE Intro to writing from the Body zoom session HERE
I would love to welcome you to our Writing from the Body Community!

For any questions, please email me: evieweaver@gmail.com
Cost: £777 for the 12-week course starting 12th of April.
The fee includes:
* one hour individual coaching session with Eva- you can take this at any time throughout the 12-week programme and up to two months afterwards.
* all course materials, including a beautiful Writing from the Body e-book
* video lessons and transcriptions for you to keep
* access to a private Facebook community group throughout the course and afterwards
* 12 live sessions via zoom, working with the writing from the body methodology
* suggested homework/play and an opportunity for accountability with a buddy or small group
* you can repeat the whole 12- course again in the next round, autumn 2022 for a fee of £150 (includes another coaching session)
Payment plan available, please enquire- email at evieweaver@gmail.com.

Our bodies hold stories and memories- everything we have ever experienced, thought or felt lives in our blood, our bones, muscles, cells, our very DNA.
* But how do we write from the body?
* How do we tap into the rich ground that is our body for inspiration and authentic, original writing?
* How can we write from our whole body not only from our brain?
This is what we investigate with Writing from the Body.
I feel the beauty of ‘Writing from the Body’, and the methodology it offers, is that it holds both the universality of us as humans who have an embodied experience in this life- all human live in and with a body- as well as our unique differences. For example, I am living and writing from a white body and this experience is vastly different to the experience of a person of colour, given the society we live in. That I am able-bodied and cis-gendered also shapes my experience and adds to my privilege.
Writing from the Body can allow us to create dialogue about shared and different experiences and help us explore issues around health, sexuality, gender identity, race and cultural identity in deep and creative ways.
It can also support us to face, listen to and dismantle shame. It is inherently empowering.
Listening to my body I can hear my body’s stories and the stories of my ancestors- to let those stories flow onto the page means they become mirrored back to me and can be witnessed by myself and also be shared.
When we do this work in a workshop context, we can not only find refuge in our own writing and on the page, but also in the community of fellow explorers.

WRITING FROM THE BODY- a FREE INTRODUCTION-for the 12-week course starting 12th of April 2022
choose from one of these dates for the free intro:
1st & 22nd of February, 8th & 22nd of March 2022
Tuesdays 6.30-7.30pm UK time- online
Get your free ticket easily through THIS LINK HERE