Erotic Archetypes-
explore erotic archetypes through embodiment, creativity & photography
- Have you ever had fantasies of exploring a particular erotic archetype, persona, role, but lacked confidence or opportunity to do so ?
- Do you want to become confident in a particular erotic or sexual role but don’t know how to start or are curious what erotic persona or archetype might live in you?
- Have you ever wanted to explore what it would be like to be a Dominatrix, a submissive, a seducer/ seductress or slip into the skin of a Goddess or an erotic dancer?
- Do you feel cut off from your erotic energy and want to re-ignite your erotic spark?
If so, you might want to engage in an erotic archetype session!
Archetype work can be a powerful catalyst to help you re-connect with your erotic energy and spark.
Benefits of working with Erotic Archetypes:
- to feel more erotically alive & creatively stimulated;
- to discover an erotic side of you that has been unconscious or buried or re-claim an aspect of your erotic life that you have suppressed;
- to give expression to and be witnessed and validated in an erotic form/ role/ archetype that has not had space to show itself;
- to play with and explore gender (gender roles, gender-bending, cross-dressing etc.) in playful, fun ways;
- if you have experienced shame about erotic desires, fantasies etc such as exploring aspects of BDSM such as Dominant or submissive personas this work can be a powerful way to cut through shame and guilt. Here you are free to play and experiment and are lovingly witnessed in a confidential space.
- to find a voice and expression for previously unexpressed feelings, thoughts and desires;

One- to-One Erotic Archetype Session:
Taking inspiration from mythology, psychology and tarot I will guide you in playful, fun and creative ways to explore an erotic archetype that has significance in your life.
Through movement, guided mediation, free-writing, using masks, costumes and props, you can slip into the skin of an archetype and explore what emotional qualities, sensations, feelings and thoughts you can access that way.
Working with erotic archetypes can energise us erotically and help us find new erotic roles.
Is there a particular archetype you want to explore?
This could be a facet of you that you don’t live in your every day life, a part that wants strengthening or be brought to the surface.
Or maybe you see some archetype clearly arising in your life and in your erotic life?
CG Jung identified archetypes as situated in the ‘collective unconscious’ and in our own psyche. He talks about core archetypes, such as the Orphan, the Hero, the Caregiver, the Explorer, the Rebel, the Lover, the Creator, theJester (and Sacred Fool), the Sage, the Magician, the Ruler, King /Queen/ Emperor and Empress.
When we explore our erotic, sexual and romantic life it can be illuminating to explore a specific erotic archetype such as:
- Sacred Slut/ Temple Whore;
- Stud/Don Juan/Casanova;
- Predator/Prey;
- Virgin;
- Femme Fatale;
- Siren; Seductress; Witch;
- Dominant/ Dominatrix;
- sub/submissive;
- Trickster;
- Stripper, porn star, erotic dancer;
- Slave/ Master/ Mistress,
- Queen/King/ Empress/ Emperor
- Goddesses and Godforms such as Venus, Mars, Athena, Aphrodite, Circe, Hades, Medusa, Baubau, Horned God etc; and some less known intersex and androgynous god forms such as Agdistis, Aphroditus, Hermaphroditus etc.
- Archetypes that are considered ‘dark or ‘shadow archetypes’, such as Hekate, Kali, Lucifer, Lilith, Ereshkigal, Medusa, and the great Whore of Babalon;
About the process:
I will guide you step by step through a process- you might be surprised what a particular archetype can evoke and bring out in you as you engage with it in a safe, held space.
We explore the archetypes through images and writing, connecting and slipping into the archetypes like into an energetic costume, finding postures, gestures and movements as well as playing with literal costumes, masks and, if wished, makeup.
I will support you and witness you throughout the journey.
As an important part of this witnessing I take photographs of the process and of you as you gradually ‘enter’ the archetype and embody it. You will receive the photographs after the session.
We will take time towards the the end of the session to look at the photos together and talk about how you feel about the images and what they might invoke in you. To see yourself as an archetype reflected back in the photographs and with a witness can be a powerful, moving and deeply empowering process.
You will receive the photographs after the session.
A note on gender:
Archetype work can a beautiful, fun and empowering tool to explore gender.
I believe that whatever gender we were assigned at birth, gender is a huge spectrum far beyond the binary of female and male and our gender identity can be fluid and change throughout our lives.
Whatever gender you identify with, you can explore archetypes of any gender, become playful with and ‘queer’ the archetypes and create in this process new archetypes that live beyond the binary of female and male.
This can be an exciting, illuminating, freeing and empowering process- and a whole lot of FUN!

There are no prerequisites for this work, only curiosity and a willingness to experiment.
A single session is a minimum of 3 hours long and takes place usually in my lovely studio space near Brighton. Depending on the weather, we can also do some exploration outside.
Cost of a one-off 3- hour session is £330. Two sessions £600, three sessions £850
Throughout the session, I make my large collection of props, masks costumes, face-paint etc available to you.
What we explore together in the session is confidential.
Please get in touch if you are interested and we can arrange a chat about any questions you might have.
Contact me at